Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ups and Downs

April was a pretty normal month around here.  No special events at work, no traveling, just regular life with my Mexico family.  As a result of this routine, I've been finding myself easily frustrated by many of the little things that help make up my life here.
  • Constant dog barking (generally from my family's dogs, but other dogs as well)
  • All-too-common catcalls and whistles on the street as I walk to and from the bus stop
  • Eating the same foods over and over and over again
  • Taxis honking at me when I'm waiting for the bus.  Unless you can take me across town for 6 pesos, I'm not interested!
These are little things that have happened with enough frequency this year to set me on edge quite quickly.  But at the same time, there are so many little blessings.

The day my host mom saw how tired I was when I got home from work, and immediately went to check the boiler so I would have hot water for a shower.

A walk to Walmart with Humberto and Maury.  It exhausted them but they wanted to spend time with me.  Maury affectionately called me hermanita, but when Humberto tried to do the same he was quickly reprimanded because I'm only his cousin.  Maury wants that brother title all to himself.

The chance to cook American style food for my coworkers.

 Nightly conversations with my host mom over dinner.

The joy of watching newborn kittens grow up.

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